Thursday, March 8, 2007

Supra's and shit talk

i'm so into these supra's. Gonna be on the wishlist soon.

I really hate school, and I hate everyone. I've been drawing some pretty funny shit, neek comic is fucking lost, i have to re-do it. other then that i'm waiting for iron age to come down, and maybe hopefully i get to go to united blood fest. I need a ride to these things, nobody is ever down to go. ah whatever, I saw art school confidential, pretty weird movie, it's funny though cos it made me kinda spooked to go to art school, and made me realize a lot of things about art in general, but it was just pointing out the obvious things of art. pretty funny.

deathwish inc is gonna kill my wallet. The new blacklisted has a preorder that comes with a shirt or whatever you pick. Can't wait.

anyway fuck everything.

1 comment:

Phil said...

I bought a sweet supra hoodie the other day... Niiiice